Our Recommendation Engine

We provide a custom recommendation model that can be integrated in any stage of the user journey to provide powerful recommendations of any sort, being products, services, content or media


engage when it matters most


choose the most suitable channel for each situation, whether it is a banner, feed, push, email or others


builds a comprehensive user understanding leveraging users’ history, interests and interactions


trained to provide precise recommendations to a given use case and context


We offer a unique solution for any use case presented in both on- and off-platform



Increase conversion rate and sales

Our model provides powerful real-time recommendations to doubtful users based on their search, interactions and interests

Cross Sell

Maximize revenue-per-purchase

By analyzing what users add to their purchase cart, our model provides them with other attractive products to add on the spot

Cross Sell

Maximize Life Time Value

Our model optimizes user touchpoints across all channels to maximize the LTV of engaged users

Buy Again

Re-engage inactive users and boost user engagement

Our solution maps potential recurrent purchases and remind users to repurchase on the most convenient moment

Trendy Purchase

Re-engage inactive users and boost user engagement

Our model analyzes the hottest products in your platform and your users profile and history to provide personalized recommendations for them


Re-engage inactive users and boost user engagement

Based on the behavior of other engaged users with similar characteristics and the user’s profile, our model selects the most attractive feature and communication channel to re-engage each low engaged user


Re-engage inactive users and boost user engagement

Provide attractive recommendations to re-engage inactive users based on their user history, the behavior of other engaged users with similar characteristics and what is trendy in your platform

Content Search

Increase engagement

Our model provides a personalized and comprehensive content feed based on the user’s search, profile, content metadata and the platform’s trends

Online Bid optimization

Maximize expected return on ad spend

Leverage on our ML models to achieve your advertising goals while optimizing ROAS with intelligent real-time bidding.

Ad personalization

Increase desired actions likelihood

Our model leverages on the user’s profile and the ads’ history to select the most effective ad for each particular user, increasing the likelihood of achieving the desired outcome


Increase conversion rate and sales

Our model provides powerful real-time recommendations to doubtful users based on their search, interactions and interests

Cross Sell

Maximize revenue-per-purchase

By analyzing what users add to their purchase cart, our model provides them with other attractive products to add on the spot

Cross Sell

Maximize Life Time Value

Our model optimizes user touchpoints across all channels to maximize the LTV of engaged users

Buy Again

Re-engage inactive users and boost user engagement

Our solution maps potential recurrent purchases and remind users to repurchase on the most convenient moment

Trendy Purchase

Re-engage inactive users and boost user engagement

Our model analyzes the hottest products in your platform and your users profile and history to provide personalized recommendations for them


Re-engage inactive users and boost user engagement

Based on the behavior of other engaged users with similar characteristics and the user’s profile, our model selects the most attractive feature and communication channel to re-engage each low engaged user


Re-engage inactive users and boost user engagement

Provide attractive recommendations to re-engage inactive users based on their user history, the behavior of other engaged users with similar characteristics and what is trendy in your platform

Content Search

Increase engagement

Our model provides a personalized and comprehensive content feed based on the user’s search, profile, content metadata and the platform’s trends

Online Bid optimization

Maximize expected return on ad spend

Leverage on our ML models to achieve your advertising goals while optimizing ROAS with intelligent real-time bidding.

Ad personalization

Increase desired actions likelihood

Our model leverages on the user’s profile and the ads’ history to select the most effective ad for each particular user, increasing the likelihood of achieving the desired outcome